Connecting Disciples 2016 Event Video

We filmed this recap video on location at Connecting Disciples 2016 to give people a feel to the event and encourage booking for 2017

Sharedmedia 2016 Winter Newsletter

Out end of 2016 newsletter, sharing all the amazing projects we’ve had the privalidge to have worked on.

Complete Phil Brown Interview from Elite Welfare Management

Elite Welfare Management‘s sole aim is to maximise a player’s ability on the pitch by ensuring their welfare of it through our specialist Education, Psychology and Lifestyle support programmes. where please to be asked to film an interview with premiership manager Phil Brown at the Reebok stadium, which you can watch the full interview below, along with the excerpts we created for EWM to share as awareness on social media.

Also, here is the news article in The Sentinel newspaper in the local press

A FLEDGLING social media video specialist has teamed up with former Stoke City player Vincent Pericard.

Burslem-based is working with Elite Welfare Management (EWM) – set up earlier this year by Vincent to help foreign players settle in England.

Read the rest of the story…..

7 simple steps to planning your video marketing

Here are out basic steps and thoughts that need to be taking into consideration when commissioning a video for marketing.

1. Choose an audience

This has to be your first decision. You can focus your video at a single type of customer whether it’s home consumer or business or take it down to a specific market sector, such as retail, trade or professional. This will create a basis for your message and will let you know if you can use jargon or not, use special offers or just be right to the point.

2. What are you promoting?

Now you have chosen your audience, now you can choose your message to match. Choosing this should be kept simple and be directed at your audience. This can include:

  • Products,Services,
  • Special Offers,
  • Staff and Expertise,
  • Brand Awareness,
  • “How to” videos,
  • knowledge videos,
  • video blogs and newsletters.

Choosing this can lead into creating a series of videos rather than just a single one. Producing a number of videos can reduce the over all cost, creates a longer period of time for content to be released and maintains a marketing presence for existing and new customers.

3. What will you say and how will you say it?

Keep it short. Video retention is vital, and statistic show that after 60 seconds people begin to leave or jump the time line so getting your message in that time can be tricky. Using a well planned project and carefully planned script we can film and edit your message into a concise, impacting video.

Writing a script starts again with the initial idea. In a 60 second video you want to aim at 30 – 40 seconds worth of script, allowing for additions of logos and animations etc. In that 40 seconds you need to think about:

• story, does it flow and make sense to the end user watching it.
• Premise, Message, Closure
• Provide benefits, rather than focusing on features
• Visual as you go along

Some videos don’t require scripting, but planning and shooting them is still needed. Storyboarding a video can be a great way to visualise the final product, allow you to estimate timings and create planning for creation and filming. Storyboarding is vital for large multiple shots and multi camera shoots along with animation. Don’t worry about this too much and don’t spend masses of time focusing on artistic perfection – stick men do just fine. Storyboarding is one of the many offerings by sharedmedia when we are commissioned to make sure that your shoot is effective and reduces mistakes and lengthy shooting costs.

4. What is your call to action?

This can be make or break the success of your video, however not every video need an obvious call to action.

Content such as testimonials or case studies are there to reassure your potential customers and give them a direct insight into they should use your product or service. Along with video newsletters, these need simple contact us call to actions. Don’t over complicate it.

A product video must provide information such as how to purchase, where to purchase and who to contact. Special offers and promotions much contain limited time windows to get this great offer.

5. Creating the Video

Lots of factors have to be taken into consideration:

Choosing where to shoot

Location, Location, Location. This is so true. This will create a feel for your style and message. Using places of work are cost effective, but sometimes additional location are needed. have access to a wide range of locations for multiple for different types of shoots.

Think lighting and sound

Filming out side is great for lighting but can cause many issues for recording sounds, and vice verse when shooting in doors. Having the right lighting, sound equipment and cameras will make all the difference.

Think style

How you shoot your video makes a massive difference, out top tip is keep it close. Avoid wide shots as much as possible, keeping the shots close will keep focus on the content and avoids unwanted mistakes that are sometimes missed at the shoot.


It’s at this point the product comes to life. So following all your planning remember less is more. Choosing music is vital, finding the right track to match your style, speed and message. Sharedmedia have a wide range of resources from off the shelf to dedicated composed tracks and audio indents, that are more cost effective that you may think.

6. Share it

The video is made, and you’re ready to let people see it. Putting a video on your website and expecting people to see it, will not give you the results you expect and deserve.

Sharing your video on your social media networks such as Facebook, twitter, linked in etc will increase the awareness, and also allows your connections to share through there networks as well. Using statics such as Facebook insights will help you understand the effectiveness and reach of your content.

When uploading your video to youtube there are many features you can use, our top key suggestions to get right are title and keywords.

Having a captivating title will entice uses to watch, while also choosing phrases that people will use to find your video. Second is matching the title with keywords tags. This is great for search engine optimisation and will help your video get found.

Adding videos to email marketing give a great opportunity to reach a large number of people in a single event.

7. Review & Repeat

The initial release period of a video is it’s highest impact, but over time the increase in viewers will slow. You don’t lose the impact of the content and new visitors to your site will still be able to benefit from it. Having a series of video created and released over time till allow you a continuous feed of information to new and existing customers.

Don’t forget when you finish watching a video on youtube, it will suggest up to 6 other videos. If you have any other video available in your channel then these will come up, and acts as a great way to get your other videos and messages seen.

Why should you consider using video marketing?

Video is King! is now the second highest used search engine (after google of course!) and with use on both personal computers and smart phones this medium is accessible by everybody.  Games consoles and now TV set boxes have access to search for any type of video content.  Embedded video allow for videos to be placed almost anywhere on the internet and more importantly within websites like Facebook.

Video for online marketing is the fastest growing medium for businesses to promote themselves which allows for 5 times longer interaction over a standard advert and not forgetting that the age range for internet access marketing is not restricted to the young market the age range now covers all ages.

What should I be considering marketing through video?

Any services or products that you provide right through to staff introduction to your customers.  There is not one area of a business that can not be considered for video marketing.  In which context the area should be promoted should be in line with your branding strategy.

This can range from a single video promoting a specific product or service to a series of videos with seasonally focus or to promote a new product etc.


How easy is it to use?

With all areas of the internet now ready for video footage it couldn’t be easy to share your videos online. uses a share/embed feature which allows for very easy encoding to add them to your own website as well as into Facebook and other forms of marketing such as newsletters.


How do i begin planning for video marketing? can help you with the planning for video marketing.  Our tried and tested format for video production can be easily intergreated with your ideas to produce the video content to suits you and your business.

Contact us to discuss how you can progress your concepts into online video marketing campaign.

ECG conference and youtube

If you’ve watched out Video Newsletter  then you’ll know that the team has been working at the ECG Conference in Scarborough, you can watch it here.

One of the roles of the team was to support and co-ordinate the social media management for the event.  During the week the stats for social media we’re really exciting.  With a  direct push during the event for people to engage with the conference and each other, with discussions and live twitter walls we we’re able to increase twitter followers by over 100.  And when the conference has 1300 delegates this was a great result, with many of those new to twitter in the first place.

As part of the conference we gave a seminar on “understanding social media and how to get connected”.  This was designed to help people understand how to go about using social networking and social media, by choosing your purpose, your delivery method and how to create the best interaction.


Here are some extracts from the seminar, focusing on




Youtube was founded in 2005 by a number of ex paypal employees. The idea of came from the difficulties experienced by one member in trying to share videos online.  Inspiration has been acknowledges having been influenced by a dating site called


Traffic soared as people began to put YouTube links in their MySpace pages, and then larger organisations such as Nike advertised on it.With the investment of time and money from google, Youtube has moved into both the realm of a search engine, and now is secondmost used search engine in the world, thus now making it afantastic resource for all purposes online.

People now search it for not just music videos, but how to’s, product reviews, Video Blogs etc.  Youtube offers a level of compatibility allowing integration with other social networking sites, websites and mobile devices.

The use of video has grown almost exponentially, and the reason is quiet simple:

“Video is more engaging that any other medium on the internet”

Over the last century, the preferred choice of advertising mediums have shifted from the printed format, to radio and then to TV.  As the price of these mediums has decreased over time, due to sites such as youtube and vimeo, online video is virtually free.  Also video production costs have dropped, this video for advertising has been available to most sized businesses, which it has never been before.

HD Video can be filmed, edited and uploaded just using something as simple as an iPhone.  Understandably the quality isn’t as good but it is feeding the demand for contact information.

Also with the increased speeds of internet access at home, at work and on mobile phones accessibility for higher quality materials is becoming simpler.  In addition home TV such as Tivo, google TV and other smart TV applications this is putting youtube directly on your home set.

Businesses are increasing their online video marketing budgets in 2012 like never before.

Creating a video and uploading it to youtube is not the final point.  By just uploading content and making it available will do very little by it’s self.  This is where the whole social media is supported very well by social networking.  Posting content on Facebook and twitter increases the audience as well as providing fresh content for your information streams.

Facebook especially works well in the “shared” idea.  If you share a video, you’re contacts see it and like it, and then they share it again your audience on that content goes from hundred’s to thousands.