Small Business Support

We understand the challenges of creating, and more importantly, carrying out a marketing campaign. The time constraints of the self-employed and those running a small business are restrictive, and often a lack of resources can make it appear impossible.

 The frustration of having an understanding of how regular marketing can help your business but not having the time or resources to put a campaign into action can be immense.

Advertising and marketing through Social Media is not just extremely effective but incredibly good value too. Most aspects are virtually free. Moreover seeing how the big players are utilising social media to increase their market share and enhance their brands can be equally frustrating for the small business already having to deal with many unfair advantages that larger companies have.

Statistics for social media usage are just staggering with sites like Facebook and You-Tube being the highest accessed websites throughout the world. Facebook is now the most accessed website on the internet overtaking google during 2011. You-Tube is the second most used search engine after google and could overtake Google in 2012.

Our mission is to assist the smaller, often family run businesses and the self employed to compete on a more level playing field using You-Tube, Facebook, Twitter etc to gain customers by increasing awareness of your business through these cost effective media channels.

We can assist by creating video content from a one off You-Tube Video to fit in with an existing campaign to creating and realising a long-term marketing plan.

As well as creating content for Social Media Marketing we can then show you how to use tried and tested Search Engine Optimisation techniques to ensure that these are visible to everyone looking for your product or service.

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