Spring Newsletter
he team are making final preparations for the #ScatteredUSA tour taking place over the next 5 week across the middle and eastern states of America for Motionhouse Dance Theatre.
Make sure to you are following us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest news, pictures and video blogs.
We are pleased to be announcing the launch of a new networking event based at the Coffee Lounge in Burslem called Coffee Lounge Connects on May 6th. We’re working with a number of people to bring the new evening event where our first guest speaker will be the team behind “The 7th Town” sharing with us their documentary film on Stoke on Trent called Oatcakes. They’ve taken our 60 second challenge to tell us about their project and they will have some exclusive previews for us which are not to be missed on May 6th.
We will be sending out invites and more information soon, but if you want to find out more then please email the team on connects@thecoffeelounge.org.uk.
We’ve been working with some fantastic companies and organisation this year to bring a wide range of video content to support their marketing. Take a look at our youtube channel to see all the videos.